SMA Commercial Energy Solutions

Manage and distribute solar energy

Manage appliances intelligently - Optimise all energy flows

Systematic energy management

Cooling systems, ventilation, lighting... energy outflows. Solar, storage, grid purchased electricity... energy inflows. SMA Commercial Energy Solutions combine all your business’ energy flows to create a single, all-encompassing view and management tool. The Data Manager M monitors and analyses all energy flows 24/7 to provide clear information on your energy patterns. Using this data, you can implement specific measures designed to actively optimise your energy usage – manually or, in the near future, automatically. Replace old devices that consume too much power. Avoid peak demand by starting various operational machines at different times. Achieve your environmental targets.


Bis zu 80% weniger Energiekosten

Cut energy costs by up to 50%

In naher Zukunft: Mehr Solarstrom selbst verbrauchen durch intelligentes Energiemanagement

In development: Increase self-consumption of solar power through intelligent energy management

In naher Zukunft: Energieflüsse aufeinander abstimmen und automatisch steuern, um Lastspitzen zu vermeiden

In development: Harmonise and automatically control energy flows to avoid peak demand charges

Ein Ansprechpartner für große Teile Ihrer Energieversorgung

One contact person for large parts of your energy supply


Die Basis: Ihr SMA Energy System Business

The basis: SMA Commercial Energy Solutions
with a PV system, SMA Sunny Tripower CORE1 inverters, SMA ShadeFix, SMA Sunny Tripower Storage 60 battery inverters (optional), and the SMA Storage Business (optional)

SMA Data Manager M

SMA Data Manager M

energy manager that operates in conjunction with SMA Monitoring and is responsible for communication and overall system monitoring

SMA Monitoring

SMA Monitoring

enables easy and efficient online monitoring of your SMA Energy System

SMA Energy Meter

SMA Energy Meter

monitors all energy flows

Service and product availability may vary from country to country.

An example

Managing your energy and avoiding peak demand charges with SMA Commercial Energy Solutions

  • 04:30

    It is early in the morning in the industrial bakery, where the ovens have to be fired up. The PV system is not yet providing sufficient power. This means that a large amount of additional grid power has to be purchased. A peak demand is imminent – and that can become expensive.

    The solution: SMA Commercial Energy Solutions provide visibility to when peak demand occurs so you can adjust your energy usage. In this instance,to stagger the times at which the ovens are started. Less power has to be purchased in one go and peak demand charges can be avoided.

  • 09:00

    Late in the morning, the PV system provides more solar power than is needed for operations. The surplus power is temporarily stored in the battery-storage systems for later use, rather than being fed into the grid.

  • 18:30

    It is the evening. Lots of appliances – cooling systems, ventilation, lights and so on – are in operation and another peak demand is imminent because the PV system is no longer providing sufficient power. But the battery-storage systems are fully charged and so can be used for powering the appliances. No power – or, at the very least, less power – has to be purchased. After all, it is still very expensive at this time.

  • 23:00

    Late in the evening, the battery-storage systems are empty and the PV system cannot generate solar power. But fortunately, the power tariffs are affordable – something that your SMA Energy System for Business took into account at the planning stage. This means that your appliances can procure low-cost power from the utility grid.

SMA Data Manager M

The brain of your SMA Energy System for Business


Together with the Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS, the SMA Data Manager M is the central system of your SMA Energy System for Business.

The brain of your SMA Energy System for Business

SMA Data Manager M


  • It monitors and analyses all energy flows in your company.

  • Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS supplies it with additional information such as a weather forecast and time-based electricity supply tariffs and, on this basis, creates a deployment schedule.

  • All energy flows are coordinated and controlled so that as much solar power as possible is consumed and expensive load peaks are avoided.

Further solutions with the SMA Energy System for your Business

Generate solar power for optimal consumption

Learn more

Heat with solar power

Learn more

Access new energy markets

Learn more

Grid independence with solar power

Learn more

Choose the right solar installer for your SMA system

With over 5800 accredited installers in Australia, choosing the right installer is challenging. Make sure you find the best installer with the SMA PowerUP Partner Network. Our independent partners are vigorously audited SMA experts with training and experience. Because of this, their installations are secured by a number of benefits backed by SMA.

  • Free 5+5 years warranty for systems purchased from SMA PowerUP Partners
  • 24/7 Service through automatic inverter monitoring with Smart Connected
  • Trained in the use of SMA design tools to ensure cost effective systems tailored to meet your energy needs
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