Maximale Solarerträge mit dem Sunny Tripower 3.0 / 4.0 / 5.0 / 6.0

Maximum Energy Yields with the

Sunny Tripower 8.0 / 10.0

Intelligent solar power generation

Higher yields for private homes

The Sunny Tripower 8.0 / 10.0 makes PV systems in private households and small commercial applications especially powerful. It combines top inverter performance with maximum ease and comfort for its users. With integrated services and shade solutions, it can meet any challenge found on roofs. The Sunny Tripower reliably ensures maximum solar yields and reduces electricity costs.

Quick and Easy to Install

With its reduced weight, this three-phase Sunny Tripower can be installed quickly while taking up minimal space. The Sunny Tripower can be commissioned quickly via smartphone or tablet thanks to its integrated web interface.

  • One-person installation due to low weight of 20.5 kg

  • Compact design means minimum space requirements

  • Intuitive commissioning and local monitoring via a smartphone or tablet

Performance in the Shade

Partial shade on a PV array is sometimes unavoidable. If not correctly managed, it can affect the performance of your entire system. But with the patented SMA ShadeFix function in your Sunny Tripower, the effect of partial shade is minimised allowing your PV system to operate as though there was no shade.

Flexibly Expandable Anytime

With the Sunny Tripower, PV system operators and installers are always up to date. If greater use of solar power is made in your own home, intelligent energy management and SMA storage solutions can be added at any time to systems with the Sunny Tripower.

  • Automatic inverter updates

  • Intelligent energy management and storage solutions can be added anytime

  • Can be combined with TS4-R components for module optimisation

SMA Smart Connected

Investment Security Included

With SMA Smart Connected, SMA is the first manufacturer to offer free and automatic inverter monitoring that helps installers provide customers with a quick, targeted service. If an inverter fails, SMA proactively informs the PV system owner and the installer. In this way, PV system owners and installers benefit from minimized diagnosis and downtime. If it is necessary to replace the inverter, SMA sends a replacement device fast and free of charge.

SMA Smart Connected

How it Works

Aktivierung SMA Smart Connected

Activation of SMA Smart Connected

During registration of the system in Sunny Portal, you, as the installer, activate SMA Smart Connected and thus start automatic inverter monitoring by SMA.

Automatisches Wechselrichter-Monitoring

Automatic inverter monitoring

SMA automatically checks the inverter for anomalies around-the-clock during operation. You and your customers benefit from SMA's many years of experience.

Proaktive Kommunikation

Proactive communication

After a fault has been diagnosed and analyzed, SMA informs the installer and PV system operator immediately by email. Everyone is thus optimally prepared for the troubleshooting process ensuring minimum downtimes and reducing outlay and costs. The regular power reports also provide the installer with valuable information about the overall system.


Replacement Service

If a replacement device is necessary, SMA automatically supplies a new inverter within one to three days of the fault diagnosis. As the installer, you can contact the PV system operator of your own accord and replace the inverter immediately.

Performance Service

SMA compensates PV system owners if the replacement inverter cannot be delivered within three days.

SMA Smart Connected is available in AU, AT, BE, CH, DE, ES, FR, IT, LU, NL, UK

3D View - Home Installation
  • Sunny Tripower 3.0–6.0

  • PV system monitoring via Sunny Portal

Wiring Diagram - System Structure

Sunny Design powered by ennexOS

Sunny Design

With Sunny Design, you can plan your tailor-made PV system in just a few clicks.

Plan your system now


If you have any questions,
please contact SMA.

Contact us

Sunny Tripower 8.0 / 10.0


Operating instructions

Now the user manual is also available as
